Front lightUpdated 6 months ago
You don’t need many tools to change the front light:
- Allen key 2.5
- Knife or scissors
- Shrink tubing
- Hot air dryer or lighter
- OPTIONAL: Allen key 3 mm
To change the light, first loosen the screw that holds the light.
You can then pull the light forward out of the cover.
If the cable gets caught here, you can optionally remove the light cover
Now use a sharp object to cut open the shrink tubing. Be careful not to damage the cable. You can then unplug the light. Before plugging in a new one, run the shrink tubing over the plug.
Once the new light is plugged in, secure the shrink tubing with a heat gun or lighter (CAUTION: Do not let it get too hot to avoid damaging the connector) and push the cable back into the steering head.
Finally, all that’s left to do is screw the light in place.